Waitlist Information

Please use the link below to be placed on our wait list. We will notify families once we have a confirmed litter by our vet. We also update our Facebook and Instagram accounts with litter information.

How our adoption process works - We have the puppies checked by our vet within the first two days and once they are certified to be healthy, we begin taking deposits for the litter. We then hold a puppy selection day where families are invited to meet the puppies to find one that is the right fit for them. Each puppy has a unique personality, energy, and look. We regularly update our Facebook and Instagram with videos, stories, and reels of the puppies as they grow for families to watch and see if there is a certain puppy that seems to match them. If there is not a puppy that matches the family at their selection time, we refund the deposit. If our vet does not certify the health of the puppy selected, the deposit will be refunded.

Click here for the waitlist: Hamstead Goldendoodle Notification ListÂ